Wednesday, 3 August 2016

WALT hook our readers using only a question

I wonder what made that noise?
I am watching T.V.,it is 8:45 pm… it can't be the birds,they should be asleep. Perhaps it is the cat… it’s getting nearer and louder. It sounds kind of metallic, so it must be on the roof.

It's very annoying. Hmmm… I should check what's making that noise,before it gets on my nerves.As I walk outside I see the cats eyes flashing in the light of the house while he sits on the fence. Right.So that's crossed of the list. 

“BAAACAAW!”I hit the deck immediately,as I humongous flock of sea birds dive bomb me and the house. Feathers,feathers everywhere! My face is being smacked by thousands of sea smelling wings as they crowd the house. There is barely any breathing space,as I get a beak to the forehead. Never mind,I guess birds do stay up late some days.

The aftermath isn't pretty. Poop and feathers are everywhere. Even some fishy vomi-never mind. I'll just leave it as this: Me and my parents have a lot of cleaning to do.ALOT.

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