Sunday, 27 July 2014

The old man and The ute

The  ute belongs  too my dad and has a big trailer.Its suspension is kind of bouncy and has a white number plate with black writing on it.

It  is light blue and the black plastic bits are tied down with yellow string because it's loose.It has very faint letters on the side which I don't know what they say but it looks like steinlager.

It is a 2X4 and also a manual.It feels like hard on the outside and the seats are nice and soft.

The ute isn't very fast but quite grunty and has lots of space.


The old man has big shoulders but he looks short.He has a great bushy white beard. 

He is on a footpath in London.  Behind him is a black scooter and one of those people with a red long sleeve shirt,black pants and a fluffy hat.

He has a small top hat and a black suit.  His big black boots would go "clack! clack! clack!" on the concrete path.

The old man is dragging a black suitcase with wheels over the quiet road.He is leaning on a small black pole.


  1. WOW! Great work on the old man story bro!

  2. Awesome writing there Brooklyn. Your writing has rocketed up a level or two. Keep up the good work.
