Sunday, 22 June 2014

The landfill & transfer station 23.6.14

The transfer station & the landfill
I hopped out of the bus and then the it hit me.The smell was awful and the moment I stepped out of the bus it crawled straight up my nose and rm8 was here.

We waited and then a lady lead us to a shed thing where there was a table with some types of plastic.Every one was squishing together since room8 was there to.She told us what plastic is recycled and which can't be recycled.Then we went round the bins and saw what stuff goes in which bin.We walked to a large pit and then someone threw a T.V down.CRASH!!!She then told us that every 2 days there is this tractor/digger thing and there is a hole in the pit and a truck will come under the hole and the tractor/digger thing pushes some rubbish into the back of the truck and then takes it to the landfill.We had morning tea and then hopped back on the bus.

We hopped off the bus and what an odour!We went to the grassy area where she told us about meethane gas where the rubbish goes and showed where the gas is burnt.She also told us about the history of the landfill.Soon after that we left.It was fun.

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